- Started Dec. 31st 2010.
- Made it through. Still going.
- The early months were the toughest. Not enough miles invested.
- Almost forgot only once. That was a hard get out of bed.
- Nightly routine.
- The return of the two-a-day.
- Wore running shorts year round. Always prepared. In addition to it being a cutting edge fashion statement.
- The run commute. Summertime fun.
- Get hurt- streak ends, so best not get hurt. Conserve, conserve, and save some for the next run.
- Serious self- monitoring. Tune in, but also tune out.
- Brushing teeth while running, twice.
- Anytime. Anyplace. Accountable.
- 2 miles a day after 100 miles. Absolute Brutality.
- Rain isn't so bad. At least you can skip the shower. Scratch that... Rain sucks.
- Recovery runs do exist. You just have to run slow. Nope... slower than that.
- Always felt better after.
- In a 24 hour day, there's always time to run a couple miles.
Why hello there bicycles... Here's to 2012.