Dogging my way through....

I like winging it... A "Type A" personality I am not. I do love to race it up however, and for the last few years I have embraced the lifestyle of an endurance athlete- endless training, lack of a social life, and always, always, always having sore legs...

I dabbled in triathlon back in the day (mid 90's), but it came easy back then, being 16, unbreakable, and a zippy fast xcountry runner. 13 years of smokey bars and rocknroll debauchery had me questioning a return and I am surprised as anyone to find myself in better shape than I ever been, going farther than I ever have, and still being able to sling a guitar and belt out a tune or two...

The musician in me hides when the racing flats come on and the runner in me cringes when I down a shot (or three) of the whiskey... So this will be my attempt to keep a foot in each of the world's that move me to act... writing a song... running 20 miles... there really is no difference. It is what it is!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Almost time... almost...

So less than a week away from the big run... this is always a time I look forward to... a bit of a taper and break from running to get some fresh legs back... but at the same time its when I feel a bit impotent and helpless as to what lays before me. As much as being lazy appeals to me (and it absolutely does!!!) the feeling of not doing an extra little run or two seems so wrong... luckily there are math equations to be solved and Spanish verbs to conjugate. On another note- if anyone has any last minute musical suggestions for my playlist... shoot me a message!! Anything goes... slow, fast, dreamy shoegaze... I'll find a place for it.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Ben! Congrats! I like where your head is.. i love that feeling after a great run or workout. Nothing like it. Kotas is as precious as ever! <3 Incubus - Drive, Pete Yorn - Burrito lol.. just a few good tunes.
